Monday, April 1, 2019

Marketing Breakdown and Evaluation for Primark

Marketing Breakdown and Evaluation for PrimarkAccording to Hollensen (2007) , world-wide marketing consists of finding and satisfying global customers ask better than the arguing, and of organise marketing activities within the constraint of the global environ ment. Then, when it come to internationalise , a manager has to think if the capabilities and the resources of the company be sufficient to serve up to the need of the consumers in a new market environment. In that evidence , it comes to think ab go forth In what way Primarks dodge could correspond to the needs of french customers. In other terms, is there an opportunity to Primark to establish itself in France eyesight the French environment. This essay will take in consider only the vestments part of Primark and not the home part of Primark seeing the fact that the two markets are singular in an analysis.Irish uniform retailer founded in 1969 under the name of Penneys (still in Ireland) , Primark seted in 2008 3, 9% of the global c clusteringhing retail value in United Kingdom. (Eurominitor, 2009).With a revenue which have reached 2,314m in 2008, Primark count today 206 stores split among England as a majority with 144 stores ,Ireland Spain, Portugal, Germany , Netherland and much recently in Belgium. (Associated British Food Annual report and account 2009).Source Primark website, Primark stores in atomic number 63Retail part of the Associated British food crowd in which it match in 2009, 25,5% of the entire revenue of the group, Primark sleep with the stability and the tycoon that ABF group bring to the retailer.With a st posegy of good quality for cheap price, Primark is later on 40 years of experience recognised as a goliath in the retail Industry.With a gloomy economic climate which further people to facet after the opportunity to buy cheaper, rough leaders of the French fashion as Zara, Kiabi and HM keep watching sozzled this giant that is surrounding France and that nothing seems to stop.In today warring market, satisfy the customers are seen as the only source of the firm profits. Well seat our market seems to be the key success factors. In Segmented a market, factors such as geography ,demography, Psychographic and behavioural would be relevant to take .(Doyle, 2006).Today, Primarks strategy is to take an entire concept through with(predicate) all these stores.Allowing to take a shit economy of scale in the proceedsion and marketing Primark is able to propose low price. Then, in the sharpen market analysis, it is relevant to analyse if the stooge market of Primark in UK would be suitable and have an opportunity of issue in France.( because change the target market would bring to much be for Primark).This table will, through the characteristics of Primarks strategy define the basics of Primarks target market.Primark strategyTarget marketMen and women turn linesWomen essentially but menYoung fashionUnder 35 years aged(prenominal) misfor tunate price Until 30% less than in HM (lefigaro, 2008)Limited incomes carriage clothesFashion consciousFast moving merchandise sweet product every 6 week (Business week, 2009)Fashion addict or Heavy users of clothes and footwear always looking for novelty.In 2008, French people from 15 to 35 represented an grand part with 38,7% of the add together population.(Insee, january 2010) .In terms of clothing utilisations, men consumptions in clothing for the 15-25 is 3,9millliards merely the same than women. (La lettre conomique, October 2010). Moreover, after gloomy 2009 year with a decrease of the consumption on clothing, 2010 represent the stop of the degradation of the clothing consumption with a tiny increase of O,2%. With a young population in expansion, a target market still buying clothes and a ordinary consumption of clothing which restart, there is an opportunity of growth for Primark in France. SourcesIf we look at the Internationalisation motives of Hollensen (2007), one of the proactive reason which push a company to internationalize is the managerial urge that he define by a reflection of general entrepreneurial motivation of a hope for continuous growth and market expansions.In the recent year, Primark showed the desire of oppression the western Europe by entering in new agricultural such as recently Belgium. According to Bason John, financial director if AB foods, the performances of our new frequents in the Iberian peninsula gives us the impulsion to continue our exploitation in the European continent. (fashion daily news, January 2010). Then, the first motive which could bring Primark in France could be the desire to become an European player of the fashion through it expansion all over Europe.One of the others proactive motives present by Hollensen is a foreign market opportunities and market information. Analytical tool such as PESTLE which allowed to get this information.PESTLE SCHEMAPolitical two part of the European union, UK an d France benefit from the common European Union policy which facilitate exchange and trade. However, through state aid and by boost mergers between French firms to prevent takeovers by foreign firms, French establishment act against EU policy and still maintain a form of protectionism.(datamonitor, 2010).Taxarion in francePolitic clothe in franceEconomicWith an increasing unemployment rate and a decrease consumption the last years, it seems that the crisis could represent an ally for Primark. date an IFOP study about the purchasing power shows that 49% that the under 35years old thinks that their purchasing power has strongly decreased (IFOP,2008), the consumption habits of French goes previous the last opportunity to buy cheaper. As a study of clothing in France explain, the success of the sales catamenias shows that the sales drop mainly delinquent to bribe power constraints but not as a faction rejection.( Datamonitor,October 2009)With it strategy sales price all the yea r round, the change in french consumer habbits could represent an opportunity .However, the consumer expenditure on clothing is a lot more than loftyer in UK than in France with an expenditure for 2009 of 37805mn decreasing in equivalence with 2008 in France against 40472mn in UK ( 46542) increasing in comparison with 2008 (Euromonitor, 2010). While expenditure in UK continue to growth when it decrease in France , it could make Primark think that the clothing consumption habits between UK and France are dissimilar and then could represent a threat to Primark implementation.Finally for the consumption, aaccording to the clothing in France report 2009, by 2013, clothing sales are forecasted to reach 26,980millions, a 2,1 % rise in constant value compared to 2008 which let hope for primark a brigh future.(Datamonitor,2009)In spite of the fact that Primark is an Irish company, from a market question and data point of view it is more relevant to analyse the availableness of the F rench market through the comparison with the English implementation which is more important than the irish one (144 shops in England instead of 38 in Ireland ( Primark website) .However, from a financial side , it is more relevant t big bucks with the Irish headquarter company where the money is going because Ireland is in eurozone. By relations with Ireland, primark escape the risk of change rates.Social In France, fashion actuate an important part of the culture. Then , according to a study , French people are still attached to the brand and the luxury in the fashion sector and would prefer after use the sales period ( 41%) , buy cheapest brand (33%).(IPSOS,2008). Then, even if that trend does not automatically represent Primark target market (under 35)which can not necessarily gift luxury brand, French culture in the fashion sector could represent a threat for Primark.France has to face to the ageing of it population. Until 2050, 1/3 of the population will be ageing more tha n 60 years old. (insee, 2006) Whike some of Primarks competitors such as kiaby (which propose a fashion for the whole family), could set off a senior marketing by proposing clothing for senior, Primark could not enjoy this opportunity risking to break it strategy and positioning and lost it target. In an phrase about the factors of primarks success, Susan Segal-Horn says The focus part of Primarks strategy is the specific customer separate it focuses (open2,2005).With a clear positioning , Primark answer to a special target marget needs. En tentant de profiter de cette tendance forward the senior marketing. It ageing of population represent an confirming threat for pirmark because it not concern it target but it coulb beneficy to it competitors which could gain a competitive advantage.Technological In spite of the fact that the technological cheek is not the most relevant in the implementation of Primark in France, it is important to notice that the evolution and increase of th e new technology influence the consumers to purchase more technological product to the detriment of others goods such as clothes + references sur ca.In Primarks case ,legal and environmental factors are linked.. According to a study, fashion industry remain one of the most exploitive in the word, both to people and environment (euromonitor, 2009). However, consumers are more and more cognizant of the environmental aspect of goods. Often critics for this workers conditions, Primark is now part of Ethical merchandise initiative which which guarantee the protection of workers and environment. (primark website)textille France report bureau)Porter pour competition analysis in an industry p 106-107Analysis an environment , it excessively analysis the competitive environment to be able to gain a competitive advantage.According to Michael porter, competitive strategy must grow out of a sophisticated understanding of the rules of competition that determine an industrys attractiveness. (co mpetitive advantage, 1985).Sources The five competitive forces that shape strategy by Michael E. Porter , Harvard business review , January 2008 proponent of suppliersAlways looking to reduce is costs, primark has got buyers team in UK and Ireland travel internationally to seek out the most competitive suppliers. Then primark has got a lot of small suppliers instead of a big one which made the power of suppliers really low. Cf citation pour dire que voyage partout. brat of new entrants Low because of the hogh costs set up et high competition. tycoon of buyerAs there are multiplayers in the markets and now customers are more sensitive towards the price so they visit every shop and they make decision and the replacinging cost is also not to highSubstitutes product High because others company are offering similar product with low price and now it is very easy to customer to switch from one product to other as ther have become more choosey.RivalryTo get a well understanding of the opp ortunity that primark has in France, a SWOT analysis will be helphulStrengh weakness opportunityThreatsConclusion sur competition france competitive mais uk aussi et primark se demarque.CCL PARTIE ANALYSEavailableness DU MARCHE cf p 247Laccessibilit du march francais pour primak est donc bonne bien que representatn un challenge.According to clothing in France report, In terms of market share, the leader have the ability to adjust quickly to market demand by offering many different collection = PrimarkRepresenting in 2010 0,7% of the global brand share in the sell sector in UK (euromonitor international, 2010)

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